December 1, 2022 12:00 am
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As a homeowner, you want to utilize all the money saving tips while keeping your home systems running efficiently throughout the year. One of those systems you can save on is your plumbing system. By conducting routine maintenance, regular inspections, and repairs, you can avoid spending too much on expensive repairs and replacements. Fixing and repairing your plumbing also helps improve water usage, prevent leaks, and keep other significant issues from turning into costly emergencies, which saves you money in the long term. The Best Plumbing Practices To Save You Money Here are the top plumbing practices that can help... View Article
December 1, 2022 12:00 am
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A clogged toilet can be a very unpleasant and unhealthy experience. A plunger is a typical solution, but it does not always work. The clog might be more stubborn than you anticipated. What do you do when your toilet runs over and makes a real stink inside your home? The following tips for plunging a toilet should help. Stop the Water Flow A severely flooded toilet has two problems: too much water and a drain that does not flow fast enough or possibly at all. You should start by checking the flapper at the bottom of the tank. Flappers often... View Article
November 20, 2022 12:00 am
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You’ve heard your plumber say never to ignore any leak in your home. Leakages are some of the most common, damaging, and aggravating plumbing problems for homeowners if not fixed on time. Since leaks aren’t always obvious, it’s not easy to spot them, and they can go undetected for some time. Here are five common ways to detect water leaks. 1. Monitor Your Consumption One of the best ways to find hidden water leaks is by monitoring your water consumption. You should have a consistent water bill if your water use habits have not changed. This way, you can tell... View Article
November 1, 2022 12:00 am
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No one likes struggling with DIY options that might go horribly wrong when there’s a plumbing emergency or any plumbing work to do. When you need to hire the finest local plumbing contractors in Las Vegas, then you know you’ll get superior workmanship and guaranteed quality. To find the best plumbing contractors, you need to ask some important questions before hiring them. Important Questions To Ask the Plumbing Company or Contractor Before Signing Off 1 – Is the plumber licensed? When you need plumbing maintenance or new work done, you might have found a contractor you’re interested in using, but can... View Article
October 18, 2022 12:00 am
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Your water heater is the brain center of your water system in the home. When the water heater is on the fritz you cannot take showers or baths, your washer is affected, the dishwasher and so much more. The water heater is one of those appliances that no one really thinks about until something goes wrong with it. That means that you might not even notice that something is wrong until the water heater goes out entirely. Water Heater Maintenance With an old water heater, the odds that it is going to go out are much higher than newer models.... View Article