August 7, 2018
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Hard water isn’t just a minor inconvenience. It can be a potential health issue, and can even cause damage to the home if you don’t get it fixed. A plumber in Las Vegas, NV, like Orchard Plumbing, can help. Hard water can be a real hassle for homeowners, and solving the problem can vastly improve your quality of life. Here are some of the reasons hard water should be taken care of as quickly as possible. Health issues You can sometimes tell if something is wrong with your water by the taste. If your water smells or tastes funny, it... View Article
June 22, 2018
Published by Writer
Does your water bill seem higher than usual without any explanation? This phenomenon can leave homeowners scrambling to figure out why their water consumption seems to have doubled without any changes in their day-to-day habits. Believe it or not, water leaks actually account for approximately 12 percent of all water usage in many American homes, and the most frequent offender is the toilet. Sometimes the sound of running water, a faint trickling or puddles on the floor make it easy for homeowners to tell when the toilet is leaking. That isn’t always the case, though. Even some of the most... View Article
April 24, 2018
Published by Writer
These days, there are tons of different ways to find a plumber. You can use a paid home service directory, ask friends or family, read through message boards online, find someone on websites like Angie’s List or run a quick Google search for something like “plumber in Las Vegas, NV.” All of these tactics work, but using a search engine like Google is typically going to be your best bet. Continue reading to learn why using a search engine is the best option, and how you can find the best plumber for you! Why Google is your best bet From... View Article
October 25, 2017
Published by Writer
Keeping your home in the best condition possible can be hard work. Maintaining a space with so many moving parts may seem daunting at times—especially when you aren’t personally adept at repair and maintenance tasks. Your home’s plumbing is responsible for providing you with a source of water and draining used water away from your home, but the system doesn’t always work the way it should. Plumbing problems can spring up out of the blue and leave you with water damage and costly repairs. Even if you think there might be an issue with your plumbing, you might be hesitant... View Article