January 21, 2022 10:20 pm
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Homeowners are becoming increasingly intentional about the sustainability of the upgrades they make to their homes. This is as true with plumbing as it is with HVAC systems, electrical upgrades, solar panels and more. We frequently have customers ask us, “How can I make my plumbing environmentally friendly?” In response to this, here are a few options you might consider as you look to upgrade your plumbing while lowering your home’s overall environmental impact. Toilet options Eco-friendly toilets have become a popular feature of bathroom upgrades. They significantly reduce the amount of water used to operate a toilet without compromising... View Article
January 4, 2022 3:17 am
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The history of plumbing goes back farther than many people realize. Many people are surprised to learn that the Romans enjoyed hot water in their homes and also had sophisticated waste disposal systems that helped them enjoy better health than many of their contemporaries. Going even further back, the ancient Egyptians developed copper pipes to help suit their plumbing needs. The history of indoor plumbing is actually quite fascinating to learn about once you dive more into it. Read on for a quick tour of how plumbing has grown and evolved over the centuries. The earliest plumbing Something to keep... View Article
December 21, 2021 3:17 am
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Anyone who has a septic system at their home or business knows that the rules can be a bit different than for a property that’s hooked up to a municipal sewer line. There are certain types of products that you can never put down a waste pipe into a septic system—certain types of toilet tissue, for example. One product that’s recently gained popularity is bath bombs. These can be a relaxing treat for people who like to take long soaks, but unfortunately it seems that in most instances bath bombs are not safe for septic tanks. There are a number... View Article
December 6, 2021 11:04 pm
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Clogged pipes can be a big hassle. Even if you do everything right and are mindful about what you put down your drains, blockages can still occur. Fixing it yourself is possible, but like any do-it-yourself home project, it has the potential to go awry. You may be wondering, “Can I snake my own drain?” The answer is, yes—with conditions. You should do research and be careful. Can a drain snake break a pipe? It can certainly damage your pipes, though it might not break them. You could also injure yourself if you’re not careful, so do consider having a... View Article
November 22, 2021 11:04 pm
Published by Writer
The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year. It allows people to join together and spend time with the ones they love, while meditating on all that they’re thankful for. But if you’re hosting guests, you’ll want to know how to get your home ready for the holidays. While you’ll probably clean your home and fix any nagging household issues, you should consider your home’s plumbing. You might be wondering, “How do I prepare my house for holiday guests?” When it comes to your plumbing, there are a few steps you can take, and that’s what this article... View Article