October 10, 2019 11:55 pm
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Hot water is a luxury many of us take for granted until our water heater no longer works. Keeping your water heater in good working order requires regular draining, flushing and following manufacturer recommendations for scheduled upkeep. To keep your water heater in excellent condition, schedule regular water heater maintenance with a professional water heater maintenance in Las Vegas, NV. Your water heater is old Water heaters typically last anywhere from eight to 20 years based on the type, manufacturer and how well it is maintained. Water heater maintenance is critical for extending its lifespan. If your water heater is... View Article
September 26, 2019 11:55 pm
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There’s nothing worse than entering your kitchen only to be sent fleeing by a terrible smell. You try taking out the garbage, but nope, the culprit is your kitchen sink. Regardless of your sink type and whether or not you have a garbage disposal in Las Vegas, NV, here’s how you can successfully rid your sink of that awful odor. Start simple with boiling water Sometimes hot water is all it takes to refresh your pipes. If you have leftover water from cooking, dump it down the sink while it’s still piping hot and see if that eliminates any mild... View Article
September 6, 2019 7:47 pm
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Low water pressure can drive anyone crazy. It’s frustrating and inefficient, especially when coupled with a hard water issue. This situation can manifest slowly, restricting water flow over time until something major presents itself. The first sign of low water pressure issues is being in the shower and unable to rinse soap off your skin and shampoo from your hair. Or perhaps the washing machine takes longer to fill up, or the dishwasher takes longer to run through cleaning cycles. Indoor and outdoor faucets may go from steady steams to slow dribbles. What’s going on? What can you do about... View Article
August 23, 2019 7:47 pm
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“Hard water” is a term used to describe a fresh water supply that contains high levels of natural minerals like magnesium and calcium. Although hard water is not bad for your health, it can negatively affect your plumbing and appliances. However, homeowners can educate themselves on the matter so they can decide what needs to be done to correct the issue, or if it’s safe to leave their water supply as it is. Start by understanding what hard water is, why you have magnesium and calcium buildup in your Las Vegas, NV water and what it’s doing to your home.... View Article
August 7, 2019 10:51 pm
Published by Writer
Your bathroom, kitchen or outside drain may seem like a convenient way to dispose of unwanted liquids, but hazardous chemicals will only cause problems. To avoid needing emergency drain cleaning in Las Vegas, NV, keep the following substances out of your home’s drains! Household chemicals Though many cleaning products made of harsh chemicals are marketed to homeowners, not all are safe to pour down your drains or toilets. Some combinations of chemicals are especially hazardous. For example, bleach and a number of cleaning fluids will create toxic gases when mixed together. Pour bleach and another cleaning agent down your drain... View Article