August 23, 2019
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“Hard water” is a term used to describe a fresh water supply that contains high levels of natural minerals like magnesium and calcium. Although hard water is not bad for your health, it can negatively affect your plumbing and appliances. However, homeowners can educate themselves on the matter so they can decide what needs to be done to correct the issue, or if it’s safe to leave their water supply as it is. Start by understanding what hard water is, why you have magnesium and calcium buildup in your Las Vegas, NV water and what it’s doing to your home.... View Article
August 7, 2019
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Your bathroom, kitchen or outside drain may seem like a convenient way to dispose of unwanted liquids, but hazardous chemicals will only cause problems. To avoid needing emergency drain cleaning in Las Vegas, NV, keep the following substances out of your home’s drains! Household chemicals Though many cleaning products made of harsh chemicals are marketed to homeowners, not all are safe to pour down your drains or toilets. Some combinations of chemicals are especially hazardous. For example, bleach and a number of cleaning fluids will create toxic gases when mixed together. Pour bleach and another cleaning agent down your drain... View Article
July 24, 2019
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When it comes to your household plumbing, there’s a main water shutoff valve, and shutoff valves associated with specific plumbing fixtures. And although most valves are easy to find, it behooves you to know ahead of time where they are located and how to stop water from running through pipes during plumbing emergencies, including pipe bursts and leaks. While the water shutoff valves for indoor water fixtures are inside the house, others are installed on the outside perimeter of the property. As for the main valve, it’ll most likely be located near the perimeter and not in a central portion... View Article
July 8, 2019
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Though it’s maybe not as important as the oven or refrigerator, your dishwasher is probably one of the most commonly used appliances in the kitchen, especially if you cook most of your meals at home. Since it’s used so frequently, it’s essential that it functions properly at all times. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case, and dishwashers can fail for one reason or another. This post from your favorite plumber in Las Vegas, NV will cover a few of the most common dishwasher issues, and what you can do to fix them: Clogged hose: The dishwasher hose runs from the... View Article
June 24, 2019
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You’ve undoubtedly heard of the negative impacts that cold weather can have on your plumbing, but did you know that extremely hot weather can also negatively affect your home’s plumbing system? This post from your favorite plumber in Las Vegas, NV will cover hot weather’s effects, as well as what you can do to avoid any issues this summer: Leaks: Swimming pools, garden hoses and sprinkler systems put a lot of pressure on your plumbing system that can cause leaks. You can prevent this from happening by using your water sparingly on the hottest days of the year. For example,... View Article